4 Ways To Tell If Your Denturist Cares

Having a healthy relationship with your denturist is the best way to ensure your expectations are met through concerned listening, honest treatment recommendations, and respect for your overall dental health. When two people don’t jive well together it’s much harder to communicate effectively and feel a sense of mutual respect – something that is needed when discussing any aspect of health and wellbeing. Though you may be tempted to try the denture clinic closest to home because of convenience, make sure that the level of care is of the highest standard.

Patient Comfort is Your Denturist’s Top Priority

There’s nothing worse than purchasing a service only to be disappointed with the final product,  and this holds true when it comes to all types of dentures. A patient’s level of comfort has to be at the top of a denturist’s list of priorities, because if a patient is experiencing any form of ongoing discomfort chances are high that the denture does not fit ideally – causing oral tissues to become inflamed and sore. Being able to talk to your denturist about comfort is important, as a denture may need several adjustments before it fits perfectly.

Treatment Is Custom Designed For You

A person’s oral health is unique to them and comes with concerns, issues, and challenges that need to be acknowledged. A patient-centred denturist is able to resist the urge to dictate treatment choices and can provide treatment solutions that will best serve the patient in the long-term. Suggesting treatment options that may not originally have been thought of ensures that a patient makes an informed decision and is aware of the benefits each treatment plan offers.

Your Oral Health Is Important

Your denturist is part of the dental community and works closely with dentists and specialists so that a patient’s entire dental health needs are met. Partial denture wearers still have natural teeth that need to be maintained with regular cleanings and exams. A concerned denturist will encourage patients to stay up-to-date with their general dental appointments so that remaining natural teeth are healthy enough to support a denture.

A Beautiful, Functional Bite Is The Goal

Creating a beautiful smile is just part of any treatment plan. Having a beautiful smile that is functional and enables a patient to eat, talk, and smile with confidence is top priority. Working with a denturist that focuses on the functionality of a denture is important, as it has to perform as close to natural teeth as possible. Creating a customized denture that looks good, fits perfectly, and performs optimally is the trademark of a great denturist.

The team at South Calgary Denture and Implant Clinic welcome new patients – call today for a consultation 403.254.5000